To compensate, all LAC versions since 8.40 (Jan2021) include an easy option to "double-map" the keyboard keys for affected functions. In addition to the prior logic that maps keys to functions according to our existing online documentation, this new option hard-codes the following additional keys and functions:
As you can see, most of those hard-coded changes rely upon formerly unused numeric keypad keys.
We now activate all of this new logic by consulting the "64" bit of the "NetworkMode" variable as configured within the "LacConfig.txt" configuration file, according to the established pattern for other run-time configuration options. The prompting text associated with "NetworkMode" within the "LacConfig.txt" configuration file has been expanded to explain all of this. It prompts the user to use the "64 bit" of "NetworkMode" to designate use of an alternate keyboard map and guides him in the calculation of the appropriate value.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Joystick section
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# The number of axes, buttons, and the coolie hat depends on your joystick!
# Numbers start with A=first joystick, B=second joystick...J=10th joystick
# followed by a number to identify axes, buttons, and coolie hat
# Axis: 0...MAX-1 (maybe 0=aileron 1=elevator 3=throttle 2=rudder)
# Buttons: 0...MAX-1, Coolie: 100=Right, 101=Up, 102=Left, 103=Down
joystick_aileron = A0
joystick_elevator = A1
joystick_throttle = A3
joystick_rudder = A2
joystick_view_x = A4
joystick_view_y = A5
joystick_FIREPRIMARY = A0
joystick_DROPFLARE = A36
joystick_DROPCHAFF = A35
joystick_WEAPONSELECT = A34
joystick_ViewZoomCycler = A999
joystick_ZoomFOVCycle = A999
joystick_ZoomFovIn = A100
joystick_ZoomFovOut = A102
joystick_TargetCycle = A999
Here's a simple process that usually works well for integrating a LAC AppImage into your desktop LINUX menus. We've broken it down into 14 very simple steps. It may seem complex to see a 14-step process, but each of these steps is ridiculously simple and most of them are quite obvious:
1- Download the appropriate LAC AppImage. For our purposes, we will assume it is named "Lac948-x86_64.AppImage".
2- Mark the AppImage as "executable". One way to do this is to enter this command into a bash shell from the same directory holding Lac948-x86_64.AppImage:
chmod +x Lac948-x86_64.AppImage
3- copy or move the AppImage into the /usr/bin filesystem. This will require "root" privileges. After this step you should always find LAC's AppImage at /usr/bin/Lac948-x86_64.AppImage.
4- Create a new shell script named "" in the user's home directory. The contents of the script should execute Lac948-x86_64.AppImage. For example this simple command line will work:
5- Mark that new "" shell script as "executable". One way to do this is to enter this command into a bash shell from the user's home directory (where the "" shell script is stored):
chmod +x
6- Test that new shell script from a bash shell by issuing this command:
Linux Air Combat should start up and run correctly.
7- Activate your distro's "Edit Applications" tool (may have a different but similar name). On many distros this is accessed by right-clicking on the menu's start icon.
8- Highlight "Games".
9- Create a new menu item. (Often this is done by right-clicking on "Games" and then selecting "New Item").
10- When prompted for the item name, enter text like "LAC AppImage"
11- Designate an appropriate icon for LAC. Your distro's "Edit Applications" tool should offer facilities to browse among many candidate icons. If you want to download LAC's official "lac.png" icon, you can find it here:
If you use that link to download LAC's official icon, store it in some handy place in your filesystem and REMEMBER where you put it so you can designate it through your distro's "Edit Applications" tool.
12- When your distro's "Edit Applicaions" tool prompts you for the associated "command", enter "bash" to reference your new "" script through the "bash" shell.
13- Save the changes you've made through your distro's "Edit Applications" tool (there will probably be a menu item or clickable icon for this).
14 Test the results. You should see "LAC AppImage" under "Games" in your desktop LINUX menus, and LAC should start up when you click there.
Thereafter you should always be able to run Linux Air Combat from your LINUX startup menu exactly as you might expect and exactly like any other LINUX application.